Vaccines | Concierge Pediatrics


Millions of lives are saved annually thanks to vaccination, which is a success story in global health and development. In order to create immunity, vaccines act in conjunction with your body’s natural defenses. Your immune system reacts when you receive a vaccination.

More than 20 deadly diseases can now be prevented with vaccines, allowing individuals of all ages to live longer, healthier lives. Vaccines stop 3.5–5 million fatalities yearly from illnesses including measles, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, influenza, and others.

Immunization is an unquestionable human right and an essential part of primary healthcare. It’s also among the finest investments in health that money can buy. Infectious illness outbreaks can be prevented and controlled with the use of vaccines. They support the security of the world’s health and will be a crucial weapon in the fight against antibiotic resistance.

Nevertheless, vaccination rates have plateaued recently despite significant advancement and may decline for the first time in ten years in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic and related disruptions have put a strain on health services over the past two years, resulting in 23 million children missing vaccinations in 2020—3.7 million more than in 2019 and the largest amount since 2009.

Data from 2021 thus far indicate that disruption will persist. Positive developments include the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccine in almost all nations by the end of 2021 and the delivery of one billion doses of the vaccine via COVAX by the beginning of 2022.

Diseases that can be prevented by vaccinations and the vaccines that do so

VaccineVaricella Vaccine protects against chickenpox.
Disease Spread ByAir, direct contact
Disease SymptomsRash, tiredness, headache, fever
Disease ComplicationsInfected blisters, bleeding disorders, encephalitis (brain swelling), pneumonia (infection in the lungs), death
VaccineDTaP* vaccine protects against diphtheria.
Disease Spread ByAir, direct contact
Disease SymptomsSore throat, mild fever, weakness, swollen glands in neck
Disease ComplicationsSwelling of the heart muscle, heart failure, coma, paralysis, death
VaccineHib vaccine protects against Haemophilus influenzae type b.
Disease Spread ByAir, direct contact
Disease SymptomsMay be no symptoms unless bacteria enter the blood
Disease ComplicationsMeningitis (infection of the covering around the brain and spinal cord), intellectual disability, epiglottitis (life-threatening infection that can block the windpipe and lead to serious breathing problems), pneumonia (infection in the lungs), death
DiseaseHepatitis A
VaccineHepA vaccine protects against hepatitis A.
Disease Spread ByDirect contact, contaminated food or water
Disease SymptomsMay be no symptoms, fever, stomach pain, loss of appetite, fatigue, vomiting, jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes), dark urine
Disease ComplicationsLiver failure, arthralgia (joint pain), kidney, pancreatic, and blood disorders, death
DiseaseHepatitis B
VaccineHepB vaccine protects against hepatitis B.
Disease Spread ByContact with blood or body fluids
Disease SymptomsMay be no symptoms, fever, headache, weakness, vomiting, jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes), joint pain
Disease ComplicationsChronic liver infection, liver failure, liver cancer, death
DiseaseInfluenza (Flu)
VaccineFlu vaccine protects against influenza.
Disease Spread ByAir, direct contact
Disease SymptomsFever, muscle pain, sore throat, cough, extreme fatigue
Disease ComplicationsPneumonia (infection in the lungs), bronchitis, sinus infections, ear infections, death
VaccineMMR** vaccine protects against measles.
Disease Spread ByAir, direct contact
Disease SymptomsRash, fever, cough, runny nose, pink eye
Disease ComplicationsEncephalitis (brain swelling), pneumonia (infection in the lungs), death
VaccineMMR**vaccine protects against mumps.
Disease Spread ByAir, direct contact
Disease SymptomsSwollen salivary glands (under the jaw), fever, headache, tiredness, muscle pain
Disease ComplicationsMeningitis (infection of the covering around the brain and spinal cord), encephalitis (brain swelling), inflammation of testicles or ovaries, deafness, death
VaccineDTaP* vaccine protects against pertussis (whooping cough).
Disease Spread ByAir, direct contact
Disease SymptomsSevere cough, runny nose, apnea (a pause in breathing in infants)
Disease ComplicationsPneumonia (infection in the lungs), death
VaccineIPV vaccine protects against polio.
Disease Spread ByAir, direct contact, through the mouth
Disease SymptomsMay be no symptoms, sore throat, fever, nausea, headache
Disease ComplicationsParalysis, death
VaccinePCV13 vaccine protects against pneumococcus.
Disease Spread ByAir, direct contact
Disease SymptomsMay be no symptoms, pneumonia (infection in the lungs)
Disease ComplicationsBacteremia (blood infection), meningitis (infection of the covering around the brain and spinal cord), death
VaccineRV vaccine protects against rotavirus.
Disease Spread ByThrough the mouth
Disease SymptomsDiarrhea, fever, vomiting
Disease ComplicationsSevere diarrhea, dehydration, death
VaccineMMR** vaccine protects against rubella.
Disease Spread ByAir, direct contact
Disease SymptomsSometimes rash, fever, swollen lymph nodes
Disease ComplicationsVery serious in pregnant women—can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, premature delivery, birth defects
VaccineDTaP* vaccine protects against tetanus.
Disease Spread ByExposure through cuts in skin
Disease SymptomsStiffness in neck and abdominal muscles, difficulty swallowing, muscle spasms, fever
Disease ComplicationsBroken bones, breathing difficulty, death

* DTaP combines protection against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis.

** MMR combines protection against measles, mumps, and rubella.