Sports Medicine | Concierge Pediatrics


To determine whether it is safe to begin a new sport or sports season, a person has a sports physical performed by a medical professional. Before children and teenagers can participate, most states demand a sports physical. A sports physical treatment is not the same as routine checkups or standard medical treatment.

Why Is Sports Physical Necessary?

Sports physicals are performed to:

  • Check your health to see if it’s good.
  • The age of your body in years
  • Check your level of physical fitness.
  • Find out what injuries you currently have.
  • Find any inherited traits that can increase your risk of suffering an injury./li>

The provider can offer tips on avoiding getting hurt while participating in sports and how to do so safely if you have a chronic illness or medical condition. For instance, you might need to adjust your medication to manage your asthma better while participating in sports.

How Does a Sports Physical Work?

Different providers may carry out sports physicals in different ways. However, discussing your medical history and a physical examination are always included.

Your doctor will be interested in learning about your health, the health of your family, your medical conditions, and the medications you take.

The physical examination resembles your yearly checkup but includes some extra components specific to participating in sports. The doctor will give your heart, lungs, bones, and joints special attention. Your supplier might:

  • Take a height and weight reading.
  • Check your pulse and blood pressure.
  • Make an eyesight test.
  • Examine your ears, nose, throat, gut, lungs, and other organs.
  • Examine your posture, joints, strength, and flexibility.

What Details Should You Include in Your Visit Request?

Fill out any forms you receive asking for your medical history and bring them. If not, remember to bring the following details:

  • Your allergies and the types of reactions you’ve had
  • A list of the vaccinations you’ve had along with the dates they were administered
  • Your medication regimen, including any prescription, over-the-counter, and dietary supplements, should be listed (such as vitamins, minerals, and herbs)
  • If you wear braces, orthotics, contact lenses, or have piercings.
  • Illnesses you currently have or have in the past.
  • Injuries you’ve sustained, such as fractures, dislocations, and concussions.
  • Hospitalizations or surgeries you have had